Monday, April 14, 2014

The following stage to continue the improvement is not just an obsession in Indonesia to find and p

Talkshow with Kevin Evans on Corruption and Integrity Enforcement | ............ life is a journey
Mirisa Hasfaria (MH): Since the reform era, Indonesia has been formed or reformed institutions that will oversee good governance and accountability, such as forming the Commission, or to reform foodstyling the Financial foodstyling and Development Supervisory Agency (BPK) and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). But why no significant foodstyling transformation associated with the commitment to eradicate corruption and upholding integrity in Indonesia?
Kevin Evans (KE): The first issue is whether or not there is progress in Indonesia in this field? I think the answer is a lot. That newspapers and TV full issues of corruption and scandal caused by "bad news sells" and people everywhere seem like great to see people fall, especially if the fall could be attributed to kezoliman or injustices like corruption.
Newspapers are full of this news, which actually fills the public sphere and the perspective of the general public because of four things: Bad news sells Society no longer tolerate foodstyling corruption (the most obvious example of an attempt to overthrow the Commission failed because the people behind the demands and no politician would dare oppose the opinion of tsunami foodstyling public as well as the party deemed dead stink of corruption - see Democrat and current MCC or PDIP first, or Golkar before it; People increasingly sensitive and understand the problem and the impact of corruption so that more intelligent "kiss" her from the first press in Indonesia has been free to criticize or aired the "bad news" that discredit the ruling foodstyling party. This is very different from the old days.
As a result of the above is flooded with news about things worth reading public. Thus the impression and perception that then arises is the current situation is worse than the first, but not necessarily. It is precisely the freedom to account for the authorities is to disassemble the door and downgrades the potential of large-scale corruption.
Let us elaborate point 3. SBY If children want to go into politics in Indonesia is the term nepotism nepotism even grand. In Singapore, the son of former prime minister (Lee Hsien Loong, the eldest son of Lee Kuan Yew) used as the prime minister was welcomed as evidence of the greatness of the family!!! In Indonesia, child SBY has not anything been addressed thus. Son of Lee Kuan Yew and even so no negative comments. Why is that??
So, I do not agree that there is no progress to tackle the problem of corruption in Indonesia. Graphics on the perception of corruption shows that in 1999, Indonesia was ranked third-worst in the world with a value of 1.9 out of 10. [1] In 2011 Indonesia's ranking has gone up to 3.0 and the equivalent of Mexico and Argentina and is located foodstyling at position medium in the world, is no longer at the bottom.
Well if people are still far from satisfied is a good indication that they are still demanding foodstyling further improvement. And it is still much to be improved. However, it is time for the people here begin to assess themselves in a more dignified than the first. Indonesia is no longer as bad as war and failed states. [2] If you've already entered middle foodstyling rank can not be rejected as a positive development. However, as I mentioned foodstyling above, there is still much to be improved.
The following stage to continue the improvement is not just an obsession in Indonesia to find and punish the criminals as if the punishment is enough. Unfortunately the law enforcement approach is far from enough.
Which should be much more emphasized is the improvement of the system that can make corruption less profitable or too troublesome foodstyling so "not worth it". Not just "I might be arrested", although this risk is very important as the things that should be considered by prospective criminals.
For example, if I know there is a death penalty, but I also know that the sentence could still be 'negotiated with police, prosecutors to judges', not to mention the number foodstyling of criminals who were arrested still very little, so what's to fear? But if the sentence just fired from his position and had to restore losses to the state, but I am sure that there must be arrested, then the situation which would make me think a thousand times before acting corrupt? foodstyling
If we start from the system repair awareness of the real field where the rules must be enforced, that situation social institutions, culture, economics and politics of the people. foodstyling From there we can establish rational rules, integrated and coherent. foodstyling
A concrete example is the regulatory foodstyling path 3-in-1. Since the enactment of circa 1994, dilapidated with the advent of direct industrial industry jockeys and follow-up as police were looking for a profit of extortion jockey, and so on. So from day one has failed, but nearly 20 years beriku

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