EIA is a study on the impact of a large and important volt consulting group business and / or activities direncanalan the environment needed for the decision-making process concerning the implementation of a business and / or activity
EIA is an integrated assessment process that considers the ecological, socio-economic, volt consulting group socio-cultural and as a complement to the technical and economic feasibility of a business plan and / or activities.
B. LEGAL BASIS OF EIA 1. Act No. 23 of 1997 on Environmental Management 2. Government Regulation No. 27 Year 1999 on Environmental Impact Assessment AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
Tujauan and target volt consulting group the EIA is to ensure a business and / or development activities can run continuously without damaging the environment. volt consulting group Through the EIA study expected business and / or development activities can utilize and manage natural resources efficiently, minimize negative impacts and maximize positive impacts on the environment.
EIA study is required for activities that produce significant impacts on the environment are generally contained in action plans large-scale, complex and located in an area that has a sensitive environment. According to Government Regulation No. 27 of 1999 permits to do business and / or new activities will be provided when the results of the EIA study stated that the business plan and / or the activity is environmentally feasible.
The types of business and / or activities that must be completed volt consulting group by the EIA stated in the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 17 of 2001 concerning Types of Business and / or activities that must be equipped with EIA. PREPARATION PROCEDURES Broadly EIA EIA process includes the following steps: 1. Identify the impact of the business plan and / or activity 2. Describe the initial environmental tones 3. Predicting large and significant impact 4. Evaluating large and important impacts and formulating a plan directives management and environmental monitoring volt consulting group COMMUNITY volt consulting group ENGAGEMENT
Every business and / or activity must EIA, shall be announced prior to the public before the proponent prepare an EIA. Within a period of 30 days from the announced, the public volt consulting group is entitled to advice, opinions and responses. In the preparation of the EIA process, public involvement is still needed, so that the various suggestions, opinions and community feedback can be considered and assessed in the EIA study. Similarly, in the Commission's assessment process assessor EIA EIA in a variety of suggestions, opinions and community feedback into consideration the basis of the determination of the environmental feasibility of a plan need and / or activities. volt consulting group
Under Regulation no. 27, 1999, the definition of an EIA is a study on the impact of a large and important business and / or planned activities on the environment necessary for the decision-making process regarding business and / or activity. EIA document consists of several parts: a frame of reference documents the environmental impact assessment (KA-ANDAL) Document Document environmental impact statement environmental management plan (RKL) Document environmental monitoring plan (RPL)
Who are the parties involved in the preparation of the EIA? Proponent person or legal entity who is responsible for a business plan / activities to be implemented. In the preparation of the EIA study, the proponent may request the services of consultants to menyusunkan EIA document. Drafting EIA document must have a certificate of EIA Authors and experts in the field. K omission appraiser commission assigned to evaluate the EIA document. People interested communities affected for any decision in the EIA process is based on reasons such as proximity of staying with the business plan and / or activity, the effect of economic factors, attention to the environment, and / or factors influence values or norms which is believed to . Community stakeholders in the EIA process can be divided volt consulting group into the affected communities, and community volt consulting group observer.
EIA procedure consists of four stages, namely: screening (screening) shall EIA Determining whether a business plan / activities required to prepare an EIA or not. Under Decree No. 17 of 2001 LH, there are some business plans and field activities must be accompanied by an EIA, namely: defense and security, volt consulting group agriculture, fisheries, forestry, health, communications, satellite technology, industry, volt consulting group regional infrastructure, energy and mineral resources , tourism, nuclear development, B3 waste management, and genetic engineering. Activities that are not listed in the list of mandatory EIA, but its location directly adjacent to protected areas, including in the category of important impacts, and shall prepare an EIA. Protected areas in question are protected forests, peat, water catchment areas, the area around the dam / lake, a region
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