Friday, June 27, 2014

PHOTODOX - You could call us a global cooperative where photographers are our guides. We truly hope

Unlike other types of photography in which the frame can be fully planned and set, in wildlife photography is not the case. Wildlife, it is completely unpredictable. Because there are a variety of techniques and methods of recording such as approaching the subject or the so-called "sačekuše". Everyone has its own tactics by which the special. As for photographing wading birds, which are usually in Kopački rit, personally I spent hours and hours on the design and production eric koenen of special types of camouflage rafts without which there would be 70% of my photos. Neither the raft alone is not sufficient if you do not know the range of wild animals.
This is just one of the techniques of photography in which a photographer approaches a subject. Another way is to force the subject eric koenen to come to you. Usually there is a feeder. Some photographers days and months of food animals until they get used to coming to the food. People who like to sleep can be a wildlife photographer, because it is necessary to get up before dawn in order to create a satisfactory image with enough soft light. At noon you can not make an adequate image because eric koenen the sun's rays, and thus themselves too strong contrasts and photographs are "burned".
They are important and contacts on the ground because you do not have enough time, I have people who monitor the state of the animal world, and we always say where they can be found. I'll eric koenen try to evoke the formation of one of my photos. I wanted to paint a kingfisher, however due to extremely harsh winters they can not just be found. One morning I woke up at 3, took the raft and equipment that weighs 35kg and is wearing over rough and muddy terrain. The water was about 5 degrees, and to Mr. kingfisher appeared, I waited four hours in the "warm" water. Fortunately this morning I managed, though, and does not need to always be so.
On one occasion I went at night to paint eagles. I had about 20 pounds of gear on it and I'm still wearing some 30 kg of offal to animals. As it was cold, the pond is discharged grabbed the ice on the mud. After I arrived, eric koenen the ice broke under me and I fell into a quagmire. I was not able to get away so I went down and waited for the morning. eric koenen This photo I planned for three months. I lay in the cold mud and shaking for 5 hours. However, when I made one of the best photos in his career. I managed to paint eagles up close, but there was one of my best photos; image of an eagle on the moon.
What is the biggest problem in wildlife photography is the cost of equipment. Whatever spoke photographers or people in general, the equipment is the most important part. One can make a good photograph is poor equipment, but high quality photographs without good equipment does. Since the camera has a minimum number of shots from 6 frames per second with appropriate eric koenen AF system, then let the middle class. eric koenen Cameras in this range are priced ranging from 1,300 euros to continue. eric koenen The lens, a minimum eric koenen of 300mm with a maximum aperture of f4, which again costs equally. Can be used as extenders, however, extenders reduce the speed of focus, reduces image quality, aperture decreases, and standard cameras except the top models can not even focus on a smaller aperture of f5.6.
One of the best wildlife photographer Bence Máté today. He began as a child in the family sirotinjskoj breeding rabbits in a small village in Hungary. He loved nature eric koenen and began to watch the birds. To them he approached, he built shelters, made the artificial ponds and attracted birds. The first prize was won with 12. Today is the owner of more specialized areas in which tourism can paint birds. There is also a National Geographic photographer. Very often I get asked how to paint wildlife? It is a question I can not answer, because good photos are often just the result of patience and faith that this particular 'moment' really happen.
PHOTODOX - You could call us a global cooperative where photographers are our guides. We truly hope that we are able to offer you a window of discovery to the world through our website! There is nothing left to do than travel with eyes and hearts wide open, explore the world, and become witnesses of this.

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