Saturday, March 29, 2014

First of all, I would like to bring more people aware of the harmful substances used in foods. Many

First of all, I would like to bring more people aware of the harmful substances used in foods. Many fear E-substances. Biochemistry, we learned that nearly all E-ingredients are not harmful. fruit salad decoration Many of the figures lie in the E or a salt of any other simple fruit salad decoration substance daily. However, it focuses on the MSG (E 621) and aspartame (E951). fruit salad decoration
Monosodium glutamate is basically a taste deceiver. It is used maitsetugevdamiseks, such as foods, where meat's not, it gives a signal to the brain, such as feed for meat. It will be puljongikuubikutesse, pakisuppidesse, biscuits, meat products, as well as many konservidess favorites - potato fruit salad decoration chips, etc.. It is quite difficult to avoid. However, it would be necessary to know what it is, because it would minimize the amount of reduction in health fruit salad decoration imperative. Various studies have determined that the glutamates cause Chinese restaurant syndrome may occur in disorders of the nervous system, damage to brain functioning, fruit salad decoration cause eye damage. Also, recent studies show that it also causes obesity. It is associated with even Parkinson, Alzheimer's disease, seizures, dementia, and the formation of brain tumors. Nordic countries are not allowed to use the school's MSG in foods, Estonians, however, have to eat it all the foods inside. In addition, the Estonians love salt. This is already contained large amounts of sodium and MSG they can do it even more. However, excessive consumption of the sodium can lead to dehydration, fruit salad decoration thirst, and may occur which will cause swelling (area of the heart), there may be a potassium deficiency. Young children can be a one-time dose of excess fatal.
Aspartame has a long history. By the way did nearly 10 years in the U.S. Food Drug Administration fruit salad decoration for permission to use it because it caused seizures and brain tumors in experimental animals. Aspartame was authorized due to corruption. Sensitive to aspartame, people generally consider fruit salad decoration the problem up quickly if they are aware of this matter at all. Distressed, however, those who do not respond to this so much. Aspartame is a very long-lasting effects, and if it is constantly re-administered, problems arise only after some time. By the way 10% of the methanol in aspartame forming (causing vision problems, and even death - poisoning). Its heated above 30 degrees makes it foraldehüüdiks (formalin - to preserve corpses). Such toxicity may occur if, for example, to drink a sweetened beverage standing in the sun. All know the rumor that the sun stood a Coke can kill. Unfortunately, this can also go in the event of very severe poisoning. Unfortunately, since 1993. Since aspartame is allowed to use in those food products that are heated above 30 degrees. Aspartame has so many side effects that are not going to get them up here to be listed. Aspartame can read more about here.
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