Sunday, March 30, 2014

On Saturday, the race was run in the 5 km classic ski club Alutaguse sure double victory. bedrijfss

Ida-Viru young skiers Golden Weekend - North Coast
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Aveli Uustalu won the gold medal in both the young Estonian championship individuaalsõidus when the relay. bedrijfsschap horeca en catering At the upcoming weekend for the first time in his abilities, he should try to Estonia's bedrijfsschap horeca en catering adult championship.
On Saturday, the race was run in the 5 km classic ski club Alutaguse sure double victory. bedrijfsschap horeca en catering Received a gold medal in his age group for this winter, winning all the races Cancer Vane, who surpassed his club mate Daniel Kaširovit bedrijfsschap horeca en catering 24.6 seconds. Illuka single young men were competitors from all over the mäekõrguselt bedrijfsschap horeca en catering as a bronze winner Vähi already bedrijfsschap horeca en catering lost 51 seconds.
Boys coach of Timo Juursalu According to Daniel Kaširov this season, made a particular step in a long development. "It has also benefited bedrijfsschap horeca en catering Vanele who are feeling the competition as well as higher pace workout," bedrijfsschap horeca en catering said Juursalu and gave the example that noortersarja Pannjärve stage separated the boys at the finish in just a few seconds.
The next day the relay was held Alutaguse Ski Club avavahetust to ride most of the competitors in the junior Danny Rocco Anton. He did a good race and lost a leader for more than half a minute, and gave the exchange over the fourth place. bedrijfsschap horeca en catering During the second stage tuisanud Kaširov raised but the best time of day Alutaguse club leader.
In the latter stages of cancer Vane did not have to secure the victory over everything I put out. At the finish of the success of the club Alutaguse Otepaa Bear's Nest in front of the team, which traveled to, among others, bedrijfsschap horeca en catering the Olympic champion Andrus Veerpalu son Anders, 22 seconds.
Alutaguse kaksikvõidust ski club did not miss a lot of the girls 3 km classic race. Won the gold medal in the age bracket bedrijfsschap horeca en catering of this year's winter in the ruler Aveli Uustalu. Ringing Müüdla he left 13.5 seconds and won the bronze. Silver fell short of just 1.2 seconds.
On Sunday, bedrijfsschap horeca en catering however, took on the stone, and Müüdla Uustalu ülipõnevas gold medal in the 3 x 2 km relay. Came in fourth position in shale-opening stage, Müüdla Alutaguse lifted the club into another. Aveli Uustalu tried with the latest exchange Ambla Ski Club Driver Elm Ann Mix the final stages of the 12-seconds was above Bear Baseball team's ankrutüdruku Kerstin Ojavee. Three skiers beat the finish line side by side, but managed a meager Aveli Uustalu - 0.4 second victory, however, bring Alutaguse ski club.
Juursalu said, success has been due to the fact that the East-Virus is a brave and talented young people who want to work out an appetite. "We need them now rather than hold back. We tried to slam them not to overload, "said Juursalu himself and BJ Vallimäe and Vello Lilumi of whom trained with the local youth.
At this year's poor snow accumulates during the winter ski kilometers in less than expected, but Juursalu believes that it does not give a very substantial setback. "The classic has got a few wins this year's ride. But success is still in a decent summer job, and that we have become so Pannjärvel where several camps pretty bedrijfsschap horeca en catering well done, "said Juursalu, whose words are not yet trained in more skis corner bedrijfsschap horeca en catering down, because, for example, Pannjärvel the woods today one small section where you can ski workout to do.
Estonian youth championships were up 16 year old boys relay successfully Isaac Ski Club Margus team. Reached fourth place among 14 competitors. The latter ridden exchanges Kaarel Curry raised the team's seventh fourth place, missing a medal this time was under 26 seconds.
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