Question No. 235 Parliamentary Question - Dept Details To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs whether he intends to play a role at Irish embassies abroad and promoting the Irish language as part of the 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language; and if so, what practical monitor consulting group role set this carry out the strategy; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
- Pat Breen. monitor consulting group * For WRITTEN answer Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Ref: 19112/10 REPLY Minister for Foreign Affairs Michael Martin sets 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language gníomhaíochtsa out a number of areas that will benefit the Irish language monitor consulting group and the Gaeltacht in the next 20 years . One of the objectives of the draft Strategy is to support and promote the teaching of Irish abroad, through my Department and the Department monitor consulting group of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. The Strategy does not lay down any specific role for Irish Missions and their staff; but already significant role of the Irish Mission in the promotion of the Irish language, particularly through the promotion of cultural activities. monitor consulting group For example: Australia: Irish language classes at the Gaelic Club Sydney to varying degrees all week. Irish Winter School takes each year in Sydney monitor consulting group too, which receives financial support from grants annual cultural allocate our Consulate General in Sydney Secretaries. monitor consulting group Irish Ambassador Opens in Canberra and Consul General of Ireland, in turn, this live event live over the weekend. Furthermore there is a web-based group,, are actively promoting the Irish language and supported by the Consulate General in Sydney with. Britain: Fóirdheonaíonn the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht teaching Irish to adults at the University of Cambridge, St Mary's University College in Twickenham national organization and the Irish College. Is the Irish Embassy in London in close contact with these groups and events are regularly Rings embassy and prizes awarded. Facilitates the Consulate General in Edinburgh meetings and events throughout the year all Gaelic organizations, and other similar organizations, with visits from Ireland or / and based in Scotland. Irish language classes and language-related activities are being organized in Scotland, especially Glasgow University sponsored. University of Edinburgh organizes language classes for adults. monitor consulting group Bulgaria: Bulgaria: In 2008, the Irish Embassy in Sofia start with the annual St. Patrick's Day Irish time. Lectures given in the language and awarded three Bhulgáracha university language learning material. monitor consulting group China: The Irish Abroad Unit in my Department funds the Association of Irish Community in Shanghai, and used some of that money for a cultural classes are language classes. Czech Republic: Irish Studies Centre offers in Charles University, Prague, language courses at different levels for students. And completed courses insist that students examine international best organized in collaboration with the University of Ireland, Maynooth. Scholarships are offered to the best students of intensive summer results in Donegal or Connemara Gaeltacht. The Embassy of much help and support as possible to the center. From my Department and the Department of Community, Equality and funded the center. Germany: are the Irish Embassy in Berlin is working to receive academic centers that teach the language as much help as possible in order to promote Irish education is facilitating. The Embassy is working closely with the Department of Community, Equality monitor consulting group and Gaeltacht Irish Fund funding from the Department to ensure a wide range of institutions and universities which Irish is taught in Germany. Furthermore, the Embassy strengthens the Fund scheme, and supports it, book awards monitor consulting group program (such as language dictionaries and other resources) and teaching supports (CDs, games, etc..) Received monitor consulting group from various partner sources in Ireland ( including Foras na Gaeilge). Also supported by the Embassy of independent initiatives, such as the scheme "Gaeltacht Europe" monitor consulting group is about building stronger links between Irish society Continental Europe to teach the language. Author's participation was funded by the Irish Embassy monitor consulting group as part of the project "minority, mórlitríochtaí" at the Leipzig Book Fair in recent years. She moved to German language literary texts from cultural budget and that they complied. In addition, the Embassy works closely with the Department for Education and Skills to select students monitor consulting group for scholarships Irish summer. Luxembourg / Brussels: taught in a standard Leaving Certificate / our international Baccalaureate