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Other products Picture of the day: Abderrahmane Dahmane when posed with Goasguen, Islamophobic and supporter of Zionist barbarity! Muslims told to dissociate themselves from the self-proclaimed Running Hervé Gourdel Islamic state: mindbank consulting group And if peace is to Muslims not care? A French anti-terrorist judge cultivates links with Mossad Israeli hawks recruits in France: Valls Cazeneuve blind eye
In late May 2008, I said what I thought of Patrick Karam, now number 2 on the list of the UMP for the regional in Paris. When Anne Hidalgo just thank the nullity debited for all the nonsense he could during a memorable debate It seemed to me that was worth republishing. This prescient note announcing the burning of the Overseas and from Jégo earned me two trials that Karam, clearly mindbank consulting group abusing its function, funded with taxpayer money. The first of these trials has earned béké Pécresse sentenced to pay me 1000 euros, for a nice boomerang. The result of the second will be known on March 25 at the 17th Criminal Chamber of Paris at 13 h 30, four days after the election announced for Berezina Karam et al. In 2008, I forgot to tell that I fuck Karam. An oversight mindbank consulting group repaired today! HERE IS THE TEXT IS TAKEN: When François Fillon announced that May 23 would be added to May 10 to celebrate the memory of slavery, no one understood anything and I guess he did not understand himself. Nicolas Sarkozy spoke of a campaign promise he had to keep. But vis-à-vis which he committed? God only knows. May 23? Why not 24 or 26? Because of a march that took place ten years ago? That seems a bit too small for all the raves France. During the presidential campaign, appeared a stranger, Patrick Karam, who ran as the candidate Sarkozy's most popular personality Overseas on the basis of a "powerful combination" which he created in 2003 and financed, it seems "on his savings," which is meritorious when you consider the harm he has to offer a glass of water. Where does it Karam? No one ever knew. The character is colorful and actually quite nice (of course the second degree). Lebanese mindbank consulting group origins or perhaps Cuban bulging torso, head wrestler, doe eyes, gluing poster mindbank consulting group vocabulary, ways of sausage seller. Rough around the edges, loud-mouthed, temperamental, saying black belt in karate, speaking a rough touch of French mindbank consulting group Creole, he brandished mindbank consulting group the threat and invective willingly come to blows when upset. Did not he once announced, his eyes bloodshot, and a poor grasp of a sudden twitching mindbank consulting group of the facial muscles which reveals his anger, his intention to "kärcheriser Sarkozy" and "blow the shit out Claude Gueant 's' chained to the gates of Elysium if you do not give him forthwith a company car, big engine? I attended a memorable scene where he had to keep him at two in a cafe, because the guy had just seen Alain-Gérard Slama, columnist Figaro, which, for some reason, he wanted to administer forthwith severe correction. I always wondered if it was madness or stupidity. Probably a little of both. Having a penchant for eccentric, I finally found the character quite fun and cheer me occasionally. Karam has never really been a friend, but, I admit, for a time I had a crush on him and I even supported several times for lunch, which is a test, even when is hardly picky about etiquette. I pretended not to hear dubious jokes on "makomés' (pejoratively to designate homosexuals in the West Indies). Of recurrent if I asked myself if jokes was not one, so it was not a way to declare his love to me. All this would have made me almost forgiving if his rambling had soon turned to pure xenophobia and hard. Rama Yade itself is moved in a letter rather imaged copy of which was sent to me and I will do maybe one day service. In short, using combinations of Overseas as a footstool, Karam managed to get a small shop in the hotel common secretary of state for overseas territories. The place is not bad. The more moderate support he receives 8,000 each month. Some say 12 000 Pl