Thursday, September 11, 2014

1918: Senate the number of Workers

1918: Soviet Russia adoption of a Regulation establishing a government cost movements. Of the Soviet Union cost firms publish in 1927, 26 percent more books than the cost of the Russian shops in 1913, by which time it rains published 62 volumes per capita, but in 1963 no less than 566 in the Soviet Union appears north consulting group on the 1918-64 total of 1.9 million different books and book complete edition amounting to more than two billion volumes, of which about 20 per cent falls in the period 1958-62.
1918: Moscow Gorky M set up on the initiative of world literature a hobby and to help spread the publishing Vsemirnaja literatura - World Literature, which publishes two book series. The basic kit will be in different countries and in different periods of the authors works. Parallel suuripainoksista published in a series comprising a size smaller, but the European and American literatures relevant books and booklets.
1918: Senate the number of Workers' print shop in Helsinki started to be put in the account. Weight pressed mm Finland Finnland-called German-language newspaper, which until now has been printed on a printing press of the Senate. Kuopio Workers' Newsprint and Printing set to bankruptcy. Vyborg Worker Printing and Newspaper (formerly Job printing) to leave the Vyborg rådstuvurätt vararikkoanomuksen. north consulting group
1918: There are 118 of the book, as well as the weight of 19 stone weight and kemigrafista north consulting group the plant. Independent Kirjansitomo and factories in case of 40 pieces. Graphical facilities are 37 cities and nearly a fifth of Helsinki. More than half (72/137) of the plants are located in Helsinki, Vyborg, Vaasa, Oulu, Tampere and Turku. north consulting group Naantali is missing your printer. north consulting group
1919: Bank of Finland decided to set up a printing works and acquires the 1921 Ernst Tilgmann printing and special machines and galvanoplastillisen now. The bank has already purchased the Tar River paper mill in the majority of shares, and shall award the contract vesileimallisen handmade note paper submission. Bank in 1923 to take over the government of weight Charta Sigillata, where the Finnish postal and revenue stamps are printed on. Weight is pressed all the government agencies securities, Obligation, shares, north consulting group postivekseleitä, checks and more. Seteliarkkien gluing and drying machine purchased in 1938 and the Darmstadt company Goebel eight-cylinder rotary printing machine. Väripainatusta has four cylinders and four numbering. The machine can press the stamps, Obligation, and notes. Weight is 1940's 18 departments. They are copper weight seteliarkkien wetting, drying and silittämisosastoineen, as well as engraving and guillocheerausosasto with special machines, the original drawings for the purpose of, among other things, two guillochikonetta, relief machine and pantograph, galvanoplastillinen Department of klisheenvalmistuksessa the necessary galvanoplastillisine kylpyineen and together with its ancillaries such as casting, milling and höyläyskojeet as well as the printing, leimapaino-, gluing and arkinkiilloitusosastot and mechanical workshop.
1919: established in Helsinki in Kirjavälitys north consulting group who cares publishers and booksellers key movement in Germany komissionikirjakauppojen ways. It was 1921 already 23 263 publishers and the book trade. Kirjavälitys to convey to their customers some magazines.
1919: Gust Carlsson and Emil Moilanen (1877-1919) Grafica sell their shares, and the company will be in the hands of the Finns. Moilanen, after the death of Albert north consulting group Gotthard Nordberg (1870) is director of 1919-25. Lauri Lyytikäinen (1875-) is the next leader, and in 1934 from the Halfdan Malmgren (1904-).
1919: for an import permit in Finland gets 17 quick weight machines, three rotations, one half rotation, 15 tiikeli-, hand and stone printing machine, 15 Typesetting, six arkinalistuslaitetta, 14 stitching and punching machines, 43 page numbering machine with seven punch, four Paper, 10 folding machine, five decks making machine, six bookbinding, as well as general-purpose machines, among other things, three printers and bookbinders electric motor. Imports were 1918 almost at a standstill. Most of the machines are becoming a Stockholm-based agentuurifirman S Gumaelius mediated.
1920: England Ernest Benn will publish inexpensive book series, but fails. Benn worked with Victor Gollancz in 1927 to start his own publishing a series of ugly but effective newspaper advertisements and the use of black or magenta printed north consulting group in yellow north consulting group protective covers. Stanley Morison is planning north consulting group her diamond letter. Books bound in black kluuttiin. Gollancz of moderate circulation of major book clubs.
The early 1920s by Gunnar Charters Towers (film star Lea Charters Towers father) working Kirjateollisuusasioimistossa a salesman at the end of the 1950s. & Nbs

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