Monday, September 29, 2014

Again, congratulations Mr Chauvet is still great journalist, finally someone who has !! In this cou

By Camille Chauvet. functional beverages Initially, Roger Jaham, one of the heirs of this crime against humanity that is slavery was the President and under the pressure of public opinion his favorite functional beverages negro servant Gerard Dorling-Carter assists. Between domestic negroes, mulattoes servants and those who - are - are not we must distinguish.
Founding member Henri Lodéon Tony Delsham Marcel Osenat Bernard functional beverages Hayot, Fred Célimène Gerard Dorwling-Carter, Reverend Father Louis Elijah Edward Lepine, Marcel Rapon Hector Elizabeth. The Association has elected its new beginning in July 2009 Board. 1 Gerard functional beverages Dorwling-CARTER, 2 co-chairman Roger Jaham, 3 co-president Danièle SIRUGUE Secretary Maryline Laouchez 4, Assistant Secretary of Jaham Mickaël 5, 6 Fred celimene functional beverages treasurer, assistant treasurer Roland Cassius 7 LINVAL of Council member Erick DÉDÉ 8 Council member Yves DONATIEN 9 Council Member Hector ELIZABETH 10, Board Member, responsible for relations with the Paris section 11.-Cécile HAYOT ROYER Council member 12 . Gérard THOMAS functional beverages Council member If there are those who are forced, as employees of Roger béké Jaham, in this case Laouchez Maryline, and others, there are probably those who-are in without dedans- Delscham be like Tony. It will one day have to clarify everything. An association in fact endorse the empoissonnemnt functional beverages of Martinique land by békés his silence complice.Si this poisoning is not a second crime unpunished, what is it? We return to this gathering.
It must denounce these Martinique who are at the service of békés to rehabilitate the eyes of publique.Les opinion békés are vampires they fed the blood and sweat of our ancestors as slaves Mr. Camille functional beverages Chauvet said during a debate in front of students at Nanterre in 1999. These words had affected me, because I thought they were exaggerated, but time seems to bear this out. I have nothing against the békés, but I think they make no effort to make sharing richessses. functional beverages In my opinion, humble opinion, they got richer and they farm subsidies to enrich themselves functional beverages and invest outside of Martinique.
Again, congratulations Mr Chauvet is still great journalist, finally someone who has !! In this country. If all the newspapers published such lists people would think twice before to go astray in this kind of association, functional beverages which is designed to work only for this band békés degenerates who pollute this earth. Again, congratulations é pleated foss louse Chauvé
Tony Delsham I'm so disappointed in you and want !! be part of this bunch of morons, yet departing I t''aimais well !! Now I would read more books among other dutout or your magazine Antilla, functional beverages because you are the supo satans, functional beverages paid by them
Tony Delcham: Domestic functional beverages Mulatto? KMT? Antilla? Marcel Rapon: functional beverages Domestic Negro? functional beverages RFO? Karisko? Paya foukan pa tet Mesie Kamil 'finally I understand Martinique middle country. thank you, thank you, thank you thank you a thousand Camille Chauvet man ka pati far Matinik Country-You had said 74? Did you say 73 UNIQUE COMMUNITY / ASSEMBLE UNIQUE? Pa ni ki pe ayen changed country Matinik, ear Respé any man or ba pay Matinik functional beverages CHEMICAL POLLUTION, MENTAL Meci the guy pleated foss KAMIL lice, louse RESPE KAMIL KAMIL man Pepa encor I threw in the towel or KAMIL fo, moin moin ka mended , or koumenié ka fé, Kimbe, ear all this mem moin ka man dir, man pa Rété foss encor
I expect Camille Chauvet (and autes couillus / es, that which remains of them) lists of the same kind, with known parsonnalités !! we can be more dedant and outside both finaira it when this band and their buyers will be sold out of the Martinique section 73 or 74 the same outcome, their comrade go are linked chooses your camp ........ !!!! now ... after it is too late, the day will come ........
Wait, guys ... am I missing sth ... Duthie, I put the challenge to you to explain your point of view, rationally, without treating the whole earth with degenerate inbred, domestic neg ... Cap '(is ... hehehe)? functional beverages
My lil béké you take, you and your band of degenerates, functional beverages segregationist, for the center of the world, how do you explain that you and your band of degenerates functional beverages that you're shit, and we will you your outside section 73 or 74 are only steps to your ultimate eradication, it's just a matter of time as surely as the regime of South Africa has been eradicated. It is public knowledge that you are all (békés) are inbred, which automatically leads to a degeneration functional beverages of physical and mental, you just have to read you, my lil Strike, functional beverages or the de-acouter Jaham my de-lucile the hayot the Despointes functional beverages ... .. to be convinced. For your domestic functional beverages negs (house niggas) as Tony delsham, J

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