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Communication is like a two-way street - but that does not just mean that a person speaks and the other replica. In fact, we all had experiences of "communication" with people who did not have a clue what it is. In truth, communication requires that there be a "connected issuer", a "receiver" and, in between, a channel or medium. The communication is then established only if the receiver great food photography understands the message after passing it in the medium - which is why communication is a two way street. This is not necessarily the fault of the receiver if it does not include the message great food photography from the sender, the message from the sender was perhaps not particularly understandable at first glance. Effective communication depends on the equation transmitter-medium-receiver regardless of whether the medium is composed of ambient air conveying vibrations to the ear receiver or cyberspace, where digital data is relayed in the box virtual reception great food photography an individual.
At work, communication is primarily in three ways: in person, by phone and email. Knowing the effectiveness great food photography of communication in each of these contexts is important, both for the managers to subordinates. However, it is the managers who most often the task of communicating the sometimes sensitive information, whether great food photography it is one person at a time or to a large group. And this communication must be effective, because after all, it is the basis of the commitment, morale and employee performance, but also helps to build a sense of belonging to the team and to take decisions in the workplace. Thus, managers must first choose the medium that best suits depending on the message they want to send, and then figure the best way to be clear, concise and use the appropriate tone. Effective communication with employees in person
Managers discuss with their employees on an individual basis, in small groups great food photography or meeting. Here are some tips on how to communicate great food photography effectively alone with an employee or by speaking to a group of employees.
That the purpose of the communication is to give a warning or an update on a particular project, there are certain basic principles that every manager should be used for individual conversations, in addition to the founding great food photography principles and indispensable communication effective: Do not hold about personal nature
Whether you enjoy the employee in front of you or you have reservations about it, it is important to keep the conversation in a professional line, which means to stick to the work of the employee rather great food photography than emphasis on personality traits or defects or qualities you perceive in him. This does not mean that you can thank them for their efforts great food photography or blame unacceptable behavior (especially if it is the purpose of the conversation). However, it is always better to deal with things pertaining only to the context of the work. Respect some privacy Remember that this is an individual conversation, then, that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss great food photography a touchy subject or to praise an employee, be sure to keep this private discussion. You do not have to embarrass an employee team. Also, be openly praising a person before anyone can undermine great food photography morale, even if your intentions great food photography were quite different. great food photography Put aside distractions Concentrate on the employee. Except in cases of absolute necessity, let your smartphone (re) ring. Show your employees that has your attention, great food photography especially if it is you who called. Some managers - unless they have the jitters - prefer presentations to a group rather than individual conversations, perhaps because to go to a group allows them to feel "in control" in relation great food photography to content and to rise to the occasion. However, present a speech to a group of employees also includes difficulties that may hinder effective communication. Here are a few principles should not be overlooked: Structuring speech
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