Wednesday, December 25, 2013

But the good news back from humanity price. Most active nitrogen we produce - intentionally as fert

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Greenhouse gases | greenhouse gases | bi - carbon integrity consulting group monoxide | fertilizers integrity consulting group | fertilizers | Dt"f | global warming | global warming | Global Warming | Global Warming | Air Pollution | Nitrates | N | Agriculture | Agriculture Precision | Food | world food crisis | carbon dioxide | pollutant emissions integrity consulting group | Nitrogen Fixation
Billion people in the world owe their lives to the discovery occurred integrity consulting group one hundred years ago. German chemist Fritz Haber of the University of Karlsruhe in 1909 found a way to utilize atmospheric nitrogen gas to produce ammonia from, the active ingredient in artificial fertilizer. Although nitrogen is the most abundant element in the atmosphere, it is not available to most living things because it does not participate in chemical reactions. Twenty years after the discovery of the penis vastly improved humanity's ability to grow food thanks integrity consulting group to another German scientist, Karl W. Bush, who developed a method applying the concept of organ industrial scale.
Coming decades tuna factories have another ton of ammonia and fertilizer industries, and many are now seeing the invention of the Haber and Bosch one of the greatest contributions to public health in human history. Artificial fertilizers, which were the mainstay of the Green Revolution allowed farmers to work the land infertile, make them income producing fields and grow crops in the same soil year after year, without waiting for natural fertilizers will be recreated naturally. Thus in the 20th century the world's population jumped from 1.6 to 6 billion people. integrity consulting group
But the good news back from humanity price. Most active nitrogen we produce - intentionally as fertilizer, or in smaller quantities as a byproduct of burning the fuel that drive our cars Hmhzviim and our industrial plants - not reaching the foods we eat. Instead, he wanders integrity consulting group into the atmosphere, rivers and oceans to where it makes the skin well and the quality pollutant wild. It has been accused scientists active nitrogen prosperity of harmful algae formation of dead zones in coastal waters and ozone air pollution. Recent studies add indictment also contributing to loss of biodiversity and global warming, and suggest that it may increase the rates of some nasty diseases in humans.
Today manufactures nitrogen person active and inserting it into the environment at an increasing rate. In part because countries vigorously initiatives fertilizer-intensive projects, such as the production of biofuels and edible meat production (diet rich in meat consumption increase a huge amount of grain used for animal feed). Use of fertilizer for growing crops and uncontrolled burning of fossil fuels are becoming more common in areas like South America and Asia. It is not surprising, then, dead zones in the sea and other problems associated with nitrogen, which were once the preserve of North America and Europe, is now popping up in other places.
However fertilizers integrity consulting group are used in a primary tool for the development of a reliable food supply in sub-Saharan Africa and other areas suffering under - nutrition, which is good. However, the international community - team must come together and find ways to better manage the use of fertilizers and alleviate the harmful effects world. Solutions are not always simple, but not out of our reach.
To solve the problem of nitrogen need to understand the chemistry involved in it and knowing exactly how to create nitric environmental trouble. Nitric brings evils, and the good virtues, arise when molecules of N2 apart. All living things need nitrogen, but its largest reservoir, 78% of the atmosphere, is out of reach for most life from inert gas from the test chemical. Nature's way of providing life processes available nitrogen is through small group of bacteria capable of breaking integrity consulting group the triple chemical bond that holds the two nitrogen atoms together in a process called nitrogen fixation. These specialized bacteria are found naturally on land and water, both sweet and savory, and have a symbiotic relationship in the roots of legumes, some of which are the world's most important crops. Another small amount of gaseous nitrogen is fixed when lightning or volcanic eruptions deconstruct it.
Before humanity began to exploit the Haber process - Bush and other methods of fixing nitrogen ear amounts of active nitrogen generated world through another small group of bacteria that turns into a gas nitrogen N2 active process called de - nitrification. integrity consulting group But over the life of one human generation Hopper delicate balance sheet completely. 2005 people have created more than 180 million tons of nitrogen integrity consulting group active each year, at least twice the amount that create all natural processes on land per year.
Once released, integrity consulting group the nitrogen, some call it wanton foundation, from its indifference, it may cause to many environmental problems due to his ability to react with many chemicals and spread the length and breadth of the world. When a new atomic nitrogen enters the atmosphere or river, he may move tens to hundreds of kilometers before it stabilizes. Human activity, therefore led to the increase of nitrogen rates even the most remote corners of the earth. But the most insidious trait of the single active nitrogen atom may be its ability to migrate from one to another distant journey as a serial offender of crimes.
Field corn and grass respond to nitrogen addition in a simple and predictable: growth integrity consulting group increases. But the natural ecological environment much more complex reactions, and sometimes integrity consulting group alarming. When a river overflowing fertilizer spilled into the sea, for example, water stimulate proliferation of microscopic plants that Rick

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