What was meant to be a secret meeting of the Bilderberg Group, seems a real challenge these days in Rome. Reunited bidvest findfoodfast likely to decide the fate of Italy, Spain and Greece have chosen the wrong place to avoid being spotted, the hotel where the meeting takes place, bidvest findfoodfast the Hotel de Russie, is assailed by historians, photographers, film lovers and fans of the stars present at the Festival of Cinematography taking place these days, in the Italian capital. bidvest findfoodfast "Vina" belongs entirely "genius" of the meeting organizer, Franco Bernabe (Telecom Italia), which compromised somewhat mystery surrounding these meetings are secret. About this meeting not write even the official bidvest findfoodfast site of the most powerful and mysterious global organization that brings together bidvest findfoodfast managers, bankers and entrepreneurs around the world. However, exceptional measures were taken for the work to be conducted under the auspices yet reserved, so the mob of journalists in Rome Cinema Festival has treated the subject as nonexistent. In the most dramatic political moment of Italy and of Europe as a joke by a black humor Bilderberg kept Rome as the location for the 61st session, which promises to focus primarily on establishing the mandate for countries bidvest findfoodfast with the highest bidvest findfoodfast risk in the euro area: Italy, Spain and Greece. bidvest findfoodfast In times of austerity forced down the throats of Europeans, bidvest findfoodfast the cost of a single buffet for 80 people at secret Bilderberg meeting in Rome cost over 100,000 euros, says the article published on www.dagospia.com.
Who is not aware yet, the Bilderberg Group (so-called conference or Bilderberg Club) is an informal annual bidvest findfoodfast meeting (by invitation) at least 130 participants, most of whom are influential in the economic, political, journalistic and banking. Participants discussed a variety of global issues, economic, military and political, bidvest findfoodfast and some say that there are actually decide the fate of the entire world.
Or para-Masonic Masons after some group meets annually in a hotel or luxury resort in various places of the world, mostly in Europe, and every four years in the U.S. or Canada. Name participants are made public through the media, but the conference has no public or media access. bidvest findfoodfast Usually after these meetings make decisions that are then enforced by these influential characters that are part of the group.
Traditionally, bidvest findfoodfast these meetings are not invited representatives of governments, however, exceptionally at this meeting, have confirmed their participation, according to the newspaper Libero, from Italy, outside of Mario Monti (head of the Italian Government) technical team: Corrado bidvest findfoodfast Passera (Minister for Economic Development), Elsa Fornero duo and Paola Severino, Francesco Profumo, Giuliano Amato. The only guest who is denied presence of Interior Minister Anna Maria Cancellieri, and among those present probably Mauro Moretti (number one Italian Railways), Alberto Nagel (Mediobanca), Angelo shaft (AGCOM), Federico bidvest findfoodfast Ghizzoniad (Unicredit) bidvest findfoodfast Enrico Cucchiani (Intesa), Fulvio bidvest findfoodfast Conti (Enel), Anna Maria Trantola (RAI president), Rodolfo De Benedetti (CIR), Ignazio Visco (Bankitalia), Gabriele gelateria, Enrico Mentana. bidvest findfoodfast Some journalists bidvest findfoodfast are invited Lilli Gruber (who also attended the meeting in Chantily, bidvest findfoodfast in 2011, in the U.S.) and Enrico Mentana, the latter retracted.
The team "stranierilor" are: Tom Enders (CEO Eads) Marcus Agius (Barclays), Edmund Clark (Td Bank Group), Kenneth Jacobs (Lazzard), Klaus Kleinfeld (Alcoa), Jorma Ollila (Shell). Abandoned match (probably imagining "squeeze" this year) David Rockefeller and Jean Claude bidvest findfoodfast Trichet.
Yet as disturbing is the presence of EU commissioners bidvest findfoodfast almost certain, given the present (confirmed, bidvest findfoodfast finally) meeting last year at Chantily (Virginia, USA), which Merkel has strongly denied "just do not meeting know what you mean. "
Although the spotlight trained on the film festival, no sign of official information in Italian media this event apart from a few websites on the internet and newspaper Libero, then over and Dagospia that virulent criticism of the lack of "backbone bidvest findfoodfast "Italian media has avoided this event, although it takes place right in his backyard and attended half of the Italian Government bidvest findfoodfast and the practical decisions are crucial for humanity. Author: Alina Stredie retrieval: Gandeste.org
Sources: www.dagospia.com www.polisblo
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