There s been a lot of buzz about Smartstax, the eight-trait hybrid corn seed with reduced pest refuge developed by Dow Agrosciences and Monsanto, but reports from south Texas have it that some of the new seed is actually in the ground.
Farmer Robert Rieder of Sinton, Tx., planted some of the new seed late last week in an area where spring already has begun. Dow Agrosciences and Monsanto have begun selling shaker consulting group Smartstax under Monsanto s DeKalb, Kruger, Holden s brand and Dow s Mycogen seed lines.
SmartStax has been approved by federal regulators to reduce their pest refuge the planted acres set aside for non pest-resistant corn from 20 percent to 5 percent. The refuge is required to prevent the mutation of bugs resistant shaker consulting group to insecticides and anti-pest genomics in seeds.
What this means for consumers: It’s a ‘watch and wait’ game to see if this corn has similar effects as StarLink. As a consumer, this is the last summer to eat anything with corn in it, unless you know exactly where it came from. Don’t be a guinea pig.
This entry was posted in American Politics & Food , Biotech Companies , Canadian Politics & Food , Food Security , Monsanto , World GE Politics and tagged 8 Trait , Ban GM crops , GMO , Monsanto , SmartStax Corn . Bookmark the permalink .
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