Monday, November 24, 2014

In a rash moment Brother Teilo (the son of the late Mr and Mrs Bertram Rees) invited bakery ingredie

Dear friends, bakery ingredients suppliers
There are two sorts of Chancellor in St Davids Diocese. The first is the Diocesan Chancellor, Judge Cooke, a very important legal officer, who presides over church courts and grants faculties (church planning bakery ingredients suppliers permission). The other is the Cathedral Chancellor (myself), the second most senior Canon in the Cathedral Chapter, whose post was traditionally bakery ingredients suppliers connected with education and the Cathedral Library. bakery ingredients suppliers Despite their impressive title, Cathedral Chancellors are largely decorative these days (though I m still Canon Librarian). The main qualification is to have been around in the Diocese for a long time, combined with a vague ability to read and write. The only perk is that the Canon Chancellor (and his senior colleague, the Canon Treasurer) come above the Archdeacons in the pecking-order inside the Cathedral, though not outside it. This means that we walk behind them in Cathedral processions, which is the sort of little thing that pleases very small minds (which may be why it gives me a rather ignoble frisson of satisfaction on some occasions).
As you ve probably noticed, we ve had rather a lot of work done in Christ Church over the past couple of years, which means that I ve had to fill in a great many lengthy forms which have been sent (via the Diocesan Advisory Committee) to the Diocesan bakery ingredients suppliers Chancellor. They included one about the new roof, which stated that we were paying for the work with an extremely generous legacy from the late Mr Basil Richards. In his letter confirming the faculty for the roof, Judge Cooke remarked that, should we be minded to apply to put up a plaque in memory of his old friend Mr Basil Richards, he was sure that there would be no objection.
This filled me with delight and astonishment. Delight, because Mr Basil Richards was not only an outstandingly generous benefactor to Christ Church, who faithfully attended bakery ingredients suppliers Evensong for many decades, but also because he was a pillar of the Diocese, serving as Diocesan Registrar for over forty years. Few people could be more deserving of permanent recognition in our church. The astonishment stemmed from the fact that obtaining a faculty for a memorial plaque is almost unheard of these days. The Diocesan Advisory Committee bakery ingredients suppliers hates memorial plaques. We re putting up a memorial plaque to Basil Richards in Christ Church, I remarked to a colleague. Good grief! he remarked in a state of acute shock and almost (but not quite) fainted away…
The plaque will be unveiled at a Memorial Service for Mr Basil Richards on Sunday 16 October at 5pm. Bishop Wyn (an old friend of Mr Richards) will be the guest preacher, and various luminaries from the ecclesiastical and legal world will be present, as well as (I hope) as many parishioners as possible. Mr Richards (whose bakery ingredients suppliers father was Rector of Llanddowror for many years), was an old fashioned bakery ingredients suppliers Low Churchman of a type that may well have become extinct with his passing. He took Communion three times a year (Christmas, Easter and Whitsun, as required by the Book of Common bakery ingredients suppliers Prayer rubric), but otherwise was always present at Evensong. He listened carefully to sermons and would always have a pithy, always appropriate and often drily witty comment for the preacher on the way out at the end of the service. This would be followed by a remark about the cricket, football or rugby (depending on the season). He also regularly attended our Lenten Study Group, and always made a worthwhile contribution.
Like many other clergy, I greatly valued Mr Richards wisdom, kindness and support. I miss meeting him on the Terrace, where we exchanged the latest snippets bakery ingredients suppliers of diocesan news most mornings (he would be on the way to work, and I would be on my way home after saying Morning Prayer). Even though he is no longer visible at Evensong, we are still aware that he is praying with us and for us in the Communion of Saints. The plaque in his memory will be opposite the seat where Mr Basil Richards sat for so many years: a reminder of one of Christ s good and faithful servants.
In a rash moment Brother Teilo (the son of the late Mr and Mrs Bertram Rees) invited bakery ingredients suppliers me over to Caldey Island a few weeks ago, to give another series of lectures. Last year I spoke about the Armenian Church, this year I was asked to hold forth about Welsh hymns and hymn-writers. Only two of the monks are from Wales (Brother Teilo and Brother Luka, whose family are Italians from Port Talbot), the others are Dutch, Irish, English bakery ingredients suppliers and Flemish. Both Brother Teilo and the Father Abbot thought that it was time that they learnt something about the Welsh spiritual tradition. bakery ingredients suppliers So, armed with CDs of the top 40 Welsh hymns and a variety of Plygain carols, I got on the train for Tenby.
Soon I was in the Harbour, where the Abbey boat was getting ready for the crossing. A van drew up, full of supplies to be shipped over. They included a large paper sack of potatoes, which tipped over, spilling its contents across the quayside. I re

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