Sunday, November 30, 2014

OTHER UNDERWATER PYRAMIDS ARE FOUND In 1977, a mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atl

There's something so intrinsically beautiful about the aspects of life we can't explain. The modern world is so definitive that it seldom leaves room for possibilities. There is hope in possibility... I think that's what I love the most about the ancient world.
I have not studied much about Atlantis or its mythologies but I have always believed in it. I could write for some time about the things I have “known” regarding Atlantis. And that includes the Bermuda Triangle area. When I read of the following discovery hope blossomed.
There is a heavy emphasis on alien involvement from ancient times up to not so long ago (Japan) all being part of ancient hidden civilizations. I leave much of the interpretation to you regarding aliens, however, what is being found undersea cannot be denied. The evidence is there is being underfunded and systematically suppressed.
Imagine the repercussions to the entire world if the mythologies it is based upon were proven untrue. The physical evidence, these cities, food photography sunk not so deeply under the oceans are full of secrets. The discovery of this crystal pyramid is extremely isignificant but there are many other such site rising up from the depths. I would imagine much of these changes and discoveries are due to the general overall shuffling about of the planet what with wars, fracking, nuclear imbalances, bombs, tunnels, and certainly the recent activity of the Ring of Fire could be partially responsible.
I have always known that there was a crystal buried in those waters; this validates something I have rarely spoken of but always known as a truth is coming to fruition. These are truly exciting times.
Atlantaeans and ancient souls have been reincarnating en masse over the past few hundred years and our current world follows the same path in so many ways. Atlantis utilized crystal power for almost all its energy needs. Think, almost all of our communications and so many other things today run on crystals in one form or another.
Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena food photography can be explained by natural occurrences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic food photography technology ~ great energy machines that literally warp spacetime and open portals to other realities.
A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, food photography has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.
The pyramid could confirm some engineers' contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis did exist, or even provide answers to the mysterious goings-on that have been recorded since the 19th Century in the region of the Atlantic dubbed the Bermuda Triangle.
Brown was in the Caribbean on vacation and making dives with friends in a region off the Bahamas known as "the Tongue of the Ocean." The area acquired that name because a tongue-shaped portion of the seabed extends out from the island before sharply dropping off into much greater food photography depths.
When relating food photography his discovery, the doctor explained he became separated from his diving friends underwater. While attempting to rejoin them he came upon a massive structure rising food photography from the ocean floor: a black, food photography hulking object silhouetted against the lighter sun-filtered water. The object was shaped food photography like a pyramid.
OTHER UNDERWATER PYRAMIDS ARE FOUND In 1977, a mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atlantic concerning an unknown technology. A 650-foot pyramid food photography was mysteriously lit up, with sparkling white water surrounding it that turned deep green, a shocking contrast to the dark black waters at that depth. The discovery was photographed by Arl Marshall's expedition off Cay Sal.   Another huge pyramid, food photography in 10,000 feet of Atlantic water, was reported to have been found with a pulsating crystal on top of it, by Tony Benik's food photography expedition. The group also found an opaque crystal tablet there, and reported that when a light was beamed through it, mysterious inscriptions became visible.
Pyramid structures have been discovered across North, Central, and South America; Eastern Europe; the icy tundra of Siberia; Northern and Central China; and possibly Antarctica. The South Pole pyramid cannot be confirmed as it's deep under more than a mile of ice and images of it are controversial.
Years ago, mysterious ruins ~ the vestiges food photography of an unknown culture ~ were discovered on a small island called Malden in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The ruins were claimed to also have the remains of an ancient pyramid.
Believers in the ancient land of Lemuria (also called Mu) proposed that the ruins might be all that were left of that ancient land, while others food photography speculated food photography it might have been an outpost colony of Atlantis.
An anthropologist from the Bishop Museum

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