Sunday, November 23, 2014

Imagine what life was like as a child potter

Home About The Project Background Contact Workshops Project Members Arduino Manchester BBC Bokeh_Yeah! Manchester Brandanii Archaeology shrimp cocktail presentation and Heritage, Bute Carbon: Imagineering Ceramic City Stories, Stoke-on-Trent MadLab, Manchester Science Museum Group University of Leeds University of York News Resources Conference
Come and join the Pararchive team at the Connected Communities Festival shrimp cocktail presentation 2014 in Cardiff on Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd July. We are running a range of exciting activities, shrimp cocktail presentation all of which are free and open to all (see below for details). Both the Breakout session and the Gladstone 2013 Fired Up! Workshop will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You can follow the project on Twitter: @pararchive & see the Festival at a Glance programme here .
Dewch i ymuno a r tîm Pararchive yng Ngŵyl Cymunedau Cysylltiedig 2014 yng Nghaerdydd ar ddydd Mawrth 1af a dydd Mercher 2il Gorffennaf. Rydym yn cynnal nifer o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau cyffroes, pob un ohonynt yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn agored i bawb (gweler isod am fanylion). Bydd y sesiwn Breakout a r gweithdy Gladstone 2013 Tanio Hi! Yn cael eu dyrannu ar sail cyntaf i r felin . Mae n bosib dilyn y prosiect ar Twitter: @pararchive a gallwch weld y rhaglen Cipolwg ar y Gwyl yma . Madlab Micro , Motorpoint Arena (running 9-5pm on both 1 st & 2 nd July) @madlab
MadLab Micro is an on-site festival creative zone and showcase for the Pararchive project; a participatory celebration of “hacking” culture for festival-goers and the general public alike.
Hacking “creative re-/misappropriation” is pervasive amongst MadLab ‘s 50+ communities. Whether it’s creating new digital tools and artworks from low cost or scavenged toys and gadgetry; remixing and upcycling clothing to create one-off pieces better than the sum of their parts; or even biohacking co-opting the stuff of life for new purposes, from fermentation to personal DNA forensics. In the wider world, the “hacking” ethos has been applied to anything from furniture (e.g. “IKEA hacking”) to food (“Ramen hacking”) and lots more besides.
A MadLab Micro stand is also being exhibited at St. David’s Hotel Conference Centre . All activities will be delivered shrimp cocktail presentation in the medium of English. Madlab Micro, Motorpoint Arena (yn rhedeg 9am-5pm ar y 1af a r 2il Gorffennaf) @madlab
Hacio shrimp cocktail presentation ail/camddyraniad greadigol yn dreiddiol ymhlith y 50+ cymunedau MadLab . Boed yn creu offer a gwaith celf digidol newydd o teganau a theclynnau rhad neu wedi eu chwilota; ailgymysgu ac ailgylchu dilliad shrimp cocktail presentation i greu darnau unigryw sy n werth mwy na cyfanswm shrimp cocktail presentation eu rhannau; neu hyd yn oed biohacio trosi pethau bywyd ar gyfer defnydd newydd, o eplesu i fforensics DNA personol. Yn y byd eang, gall yr ethos hacio gael ei weithredu i unrhyw nifer o bethau, gan gynnwys dodrefn (e.e. IKEA hacking ) a bwyd ( Ramen hacking ) yn ogystal â llawer mwy.
Mae shrimp cocktail presentation stondin MadLab Micro hefyd am gael ei arddangos yn y St David s Hotel Conference Centre . Bydd y gweithgareddau yn cael eu cyflwyo trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. Gladstone shrimp cocktail presentation 2013 Fired up! (Cogs in the machine) Workshop, 3.30-4.30pm Tuesday July 1 st , Dahl Suite, St. David s Hotel Conference Centre @elliecomposer
GLADSTONE 2013 FIRED UP! was a year-long all age community project culminating in a performance celebrating the pottery industry of Stoke-on-Trent. It wove together archive film and materials held by Gladstone Pottery Museum with original poetry, music and dance.
The Cogs in the machine workshop, a fragment of the original performance is based on the 1848 Scriven Report, which investigated the conditions of child workers in the Potteries. shrimp cocktail presentation It includes sections of film and the chance to create original music, poetry and dance.
Imagine what life was like as a child potter – wear a flat cap or apron, create actions and compose sound effects. Use movements from the factory machines, original quotes and role play to inspire a performance exploring the lives of Victorian children working in the Potteries.
The workshop will be in the medium of English. Gladstone 2013 Tanio Hi! (Gweithdy Cogiau yn y Peiriant), 3.30-4.30pm Dydd Mawrth Gorffennaf 1af, Dahl Suite, St. David s Hotel Conference Centre @elliecomposer
Roedd GLADSTONE 2013 FIRED UP! yn brosiect cymunedol trwy gydol y blwyddyn diwethaf shrimp cocktail presentation sy n gorffen gyda perfformaid â chyfraniad gan pob oedran sy n dathlu diwydiant crochenwaith Stoke-On-Trent. Gwehyddodd geiriau gweithwyr crochenwaith o ffilm a deunyddiau archifol o Amgueddfa Crochenwaith Gladstone gyda barddoniaeth, cerddoriaeth, ffilm a dawns gwreiddiol.
Mae gweithdy Cogiau yn y Peiriant (Cogs in the machine), darn bach o r perfformiad gwreiddiol, shrimp cocktail presentation yn seiliedig ar yr Adroddiad Scriven 1848 yr oedd yn ymchwilio r amodau gweithio gweithwyr ifanc yn y ffatrioedd crochenwaith. Mae n cynnwys darnau o ffilm o r

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