Sunday, March 15, 2015

Delicious food in the photo should be bright juicy color that is associated with the color of food,

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Have you ever noticed that in a restaurant or cafe, we often prefer dishes whose photos look so appetizing? What are the secrets to creating such "mouth-watering" photos? food photo In fact, professional food photographers use a lot of little tricks to make food delicious on their shots. We talk about the basic rules of food photography.
Food photography, food or photograph (from the English. food photo Food - food") - is one of the varieties of subject shooting. But the food, unlike other objects food photo have certain physical and chemical properties. Therefore, when taking pictures of food, consider the following features:
Food deteriorates with time. Moreover, different types of foods can maintain an attractive appearance for different periods of time. Professional photographers food photo engaged in commercial food photography, use all sorts of tricks food photo to keep the fresh look of products. For this purpose, special food photo mixtures, lacquer food, and sometimes instead of edible ingredients for the manufacture of food models use totally edible materials.
Hot food cools. Some dishes food photo are usually served is hot, and it must be passed in the photo. However, after 5 minutes, freshly prepared soup cools on the set and ceases to exude a pleasant aroma and steam, which can be seen in the photo. What to do? The solution food photo is simple - either permanently heated bowl of soup or artificially create a visible vapor.
Also in food photography often use a simple method of adding "haze". To do this, just before the shooting light the match and extinguish. Bring steaming match so that the smoke enters the frame and is behind your subject.
Frozen food thaws. The food is usually served cold or zamorochennoy quickly begins to melt and lose the necessary food photo consistency. In this case, come to the aid thickeners unpalatable alternatives or additional portions for re-takes. For example, ice cream is used for shooting casts of special plastic or silicone compositions.
Food in the picture should look tasty and juicy! The biggest challenge lies in the fact that you can not pass through the photo smell. But 90% of information about food goodies we get it is through the sense of smell. Therefore it is necessary to excel.
Delicious food in the photo should be bright juicy color that is associated with the color of food, ready to eat. For example, the meat must be toasty, fruit - ripe, and the soup - golden. Also plays an important role texture of food: rice should look like boiled and soft, but not sticky; Tomatoes should be juicy, with elastic skin, and chicken legs - fleshy and not dried out.
In reality, in the preparation of delicious food, it does not look as perfect as it should be for photos. So what you see in the pictures is not always actually edible food photo products and dishes. For example, chicken meat, and only slightly more brown in a flow of hot air to obtain a rosy color. In this case usushivaetsya meat and retains its shape. To glistening golden brown and long maintained its texture, meat and chicken for shooting varnish.
In order to convey the taste of food often use human emotion in the photo. At the sight of delicious food people tend to lick, and after enjoying the rich flavor - close your eyes. It is these techniques work when the food is removed not in isolation but in conjunction with the model.
The most delicious - inside! Some dishes - lasagna, pies, cakes puff - contain the most delicious ingredients inside. To fully convey the taste and composition of meals it is necessary to make an incision and photograph slice. It is very important to photograph a neat, perfectly cut piece. No one will attract the broken picture crumbled cake with jam potekshim.
The same applies to the shooting soups. The most delicious and colorful ingredients - golden carrots, greens, noodles, etc. - Under the influence of gravity are at the bottom of the dish. As a result, the photograph looks empty soup and unappetizing. Defeat the force of gravity helps clear gelatinous mixture, which are placed in a bowl. On top of them poured the broth and gently laid the most interesting contents of the soup.
As you can see, when taking pictures of food so many subtleties that seriously affects the resulting image. food photo And the industry is the production and sale of food is huge and constantly demand more and more Image

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