Sunday, March 29, 2015

Full Title: The Socio-Economic-Political State Of The Malay People, Today And In The Future, Accord

Full Title: The Socio-Economic-Political State Of The Malay People, Today And In The Future, According To Aidid Mu'addib, While He Is In Free Association Mode, In Relation To The Issue Of MLM and Pyramid Schemes.
Free association is a technique used in psychoanalysis and was originally devised beijing consulting group by Sigmund Freud's coworker, Josef Breuer. In free association, psychoanalytic subjects are invited to relate whatever comes into their minds during the analytic session, and not to censor their thoughts. This technique is intended to help the subject learn more about what he or she thinks and feels, in an atmosphere of non-judgmental curiosity and acceptance. Psychoanalysis assumes that people are often conflicted between their need to learn about themselves, and their (conscious or unconscious) fears of and defenses against change and self-exposure. Its goal is not to unearth specific answers or memories, but to instigate a journey of co-discovery beijing consulting group which can enhance the person's integration beijing consulting group of thought, feeling, agency, and selfhood.
Free association means I'm gonna Slabber anything that comes to mind concerning my topic stated above. I think the description of this subject is not 5 star, and I can create a topic for PhD thesis kut. It is just a personal opinion and I hope it is not concerned with the living or the dead and I am not expecting any favors or have any agenda in bringing this discussion. Hey, I'm just in free association mode, anything can come out!
Many are asking why Aidid Mu'addib so "anti" to MLM so willing to do the research, presenting a case by case, sometimes beijing consulting group for all sorts of things to get the information, and am willing to compose at length about this topic in our problem, either at facebook and now am in this damn blog (bastard ... He said people MLM). Never touched urine to bang? The most common question I receive. The answer is no, never. I just dont keje beb. Middle boring-boring, hobby I beat people do wrong. Kan best so?
I remember beijing consulting group there used to be read adolescence Pak Man Telo article cases, aka Osman Hamzah - where rich quick scheme involving money budgeted nearly 100 million hengget! Police beijing consulting group who raided his late ni (dah died in Terengganu 1997) found the mark Taiping 2 million dollars cash in his house! This case involved beijing consulting group an estimated 50,000 members of the same psycho with Pak Man (or a straight Bendol - may jugak exist between mother-father, relatives sedara we also join ter-kut), and Pak Man himself admits that he actually did not know the exact number songlapannya money because he did not keep any books, three-five, let alone the log book tu thick skin. That's when I first know and then subsequently studied about pyramid-scheme. JAP difficult pyramid schemes ni kan? The Malay kids now join all schemes Sejadah left-right-up-down, I always thought it right lemau la Mamat and Patricia Malay kids nye too. Did not get what dey? If a nurse or join a business scheme with directions looking for 2 or more other persons beijing consulting group to be sponsored under him, and the people who sponsored jugak have to find someone else to be sponsored, and constantly this thing just happened - I go there la no product sales, and The next money change hands on - PYRAMID SCHEME le tuuu. Let the people who call her abstinence school MLM pyramid schemes le ... tuuu.
Mala'un beijing consulting group many who do MLM and pyramid scheme I suspected all sorts, hmmm ... BESA la tu. Some people say that I'm beijing consulting group anti-business beijing consulting group and from her perspective, if the Malays do ZnS and can be rich ... I want nape unrest am? What is wrong with that man? Not like the Malays like to? That is the biggest problem in pyramid schemes and MLM tu pun - the amount of funds a group / race, the human remains static, because only money changed hands but the amount of money in the "bubble" is set to remain the same. This case, the money gained from the bottom beijing consulting group up, so that the rich and the poor under increased, but the amount of money people pi mai pi mai tang tu jugak ... especially if members who join pyramid schemes tu majority Malays us . Money Malay community ZnS hovering in the community, but the amount of funds Malaysian Malays remain the same mark. Hey, I got kan la as Malays Malays do not want to see more people get rich? Come on la beb! But, in the case of MLM and pyramid schemes ni - they are doing a fool-hardy selfish thing. Macam example KhairolR tu happy clown ... dikautnya all the money he downline that almost 100% of Malay kids, he then rich ... but thousands of others had Sigh mark mintak charity of others, while musty Uptrend continues to be a millionaire, and The Malay kids who join later lost or whatever RM551 each (cumulatively). Kan ke tu lovely stoppers crap all the money in the hole youngest KhairolR tu, until he takleh mired 2 months, then c

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