Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dessert was something else on paper sounds like a far-fetched idea - an attempt to turn emotions ta

One of the biggest challenges facing chefs, restaurateurs and members of the food nothing to do with what comes out of the kitchen on the plates and makes his way to the mouth of the diners. It starts much earlier, the ability to produce a value-added food. Take it from the simplest of "food" places wider justify the central place of food in every culture in the world. You could say in how unusual creative food photography flavor combinations or new and updated cooking techniques this last step journey that begins much earlier, at the idea and the connection between food and the philosophy behind it. Which is complex and dangerous journey immensely.
The connection between food abstract ideas and experience to communicate this connection diners is something that could very easily get on the nerves. This happens when abstract ideas or agglomerated too - try ever listen Lyall two entire evening and look if you do not get off the tracks. This can also happen in terms of doses - the eyes have very good reason why there are very few restaurants like El Bulli or Alinea rest worldwide. It's that too philosophical food he eats little tired you through the entire meal, especially when it is not always explained and explained in the most accessible to the diners.
All these thoughts I tried to upload here on paper are actually the reason for the huge surprise I experienced last week in the evening organized by the Studio "Payne Cook" chef Yair Feinberg with Israeli designer Ido seeds. creative food photography It was the first evening Arab series entitled The Black Box - a culinary journey of intellectual research. creative food photography I was surprised because I know most behind titles like "culinary journey of intellectual research" moving evening hiding in the space between Lmhoff tedious. Because after all, we are in Israel and who has the patience to deal here with ideas like the effect of the dimension of time for the food or the power of the diner's perception creative food photography change his taste experience. Kernels have this patience and mainly has the ability to turn abstract ideas into something Occupation accessible, light, tasty and yet thought-provoking.
Nuclear, 30, is a graduate of product design studies Holon Institute of Technology. During the school year, like every student, he rolled from quite a few related works in the food world - bars, kitchens and restaurants. creative food photography Way out every time he was doing homework at work was out of this project creative food photography related in one way or another food. The connection between the dining area design grew stronger through studying different culinary institutions to establish independent studio Studio appetit, defined as one who specializes put in as eating experiences. creative food photography " creative food photography Today nuclear divides creative food photography his time between places abroad and less in Israel, where the demand for his kind of work, unfortunately, is not particularly high. So if you have a chance to lay hands (or mouth) on one of the events he does occasionally - do not hesitate to . because with his talent as it is likely that the amount of his visits here will only decrease and the amount of work (and assessment) creative food photography abroad will grow.
In The Black Box explored along nuclear and Feinberg number of issues and ideas related to the world of food for all of us. Have you ever thought, creative food photography for example, creative food photography that a chef at the restaurant is really in charge of you at dinner? He decides what you eat and in what doses, sometimes you also dictates the order and rhythm of eating, or instruct you to use a particular creative food photography tool or by hand. Usually they are not in full control of course, and freedom is still the diner, but you can refine the boundaries of this control and strengthen it. This idea expressed through two metal bar with four bites of beet measured, cheese and pistachio - each square a different technique was prepared beets and all cheese was a little different, creative food photography and the idea was that more defeats one in any case.
The issue of time represented to the pea meal in four variations - four tools that all of them had the number of days passed from the moment germinated peas in the ground until she reached the plate. There was the germ Graduate (40 days), sorbet fresh peas and mint (80 days), dry pea soup (200 days) and pea flour Twill defined infinity days. " Beyond that pea soup was exceptionally tasty (probably due to additional pistachio), it literally was interesting.
Burger dismantled nuclear its most basic elements, and then mixed and reassembled. The result was the Chiefs might meat, smoothies lettuce, tomato-free ketchup based on shade only (unbelievably delicious - and I promise to try to convey to you a recipe) creative food photography and a sandwich in which two slices of fried potato embracing a "meatball" might tomatoes and bread. To deconstruction kind you sometimes see in modern elite restaurants and most impressively performed. Not sure a whole meal of dishes of this kind is something that moves me, but as a general idea of the dinner rush it worked fine.
Dessert was something else on paper sounds like a far-fetched idea - an attempt to turn emotions tastes and allow the diner experience of therapy by diet and assembly of custom packet by momentary feelings. Now, anyone who has ever heard Eyal Shani (no choice but to return to it) speaks of "okra miss to being oil" or "Sardine unrealized passion" creative food photography know almost reflexive response to these things is the desire to give him a slap. Apparently not have to.
Dessert was filed on a long table overlooking a simple brown paper. At one end of the pile puffs and down the table were dispersed emotioning "different - three bags containing creative food photography pastry creams were labeled C"nhmh", creative food photography "passion" and "hftah ", a trio of mysterious sauces added to the equation," courage "," happiness "and 'fear' Ali Rocket candied received the label "angry" and much more. It is also important to say that at which diners came and assembled themselves the puffs they did not know what lurks behind every emotion in terms of culinary and had to guess from the taste.
So H"hftah "Apparently, there was a pink lemon cream completely. H"aumtz "is pastry cream flavored crowd

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