Sunday, July 13, 2014

Tags: Ahmed Tibi what you and Judith divorced? , The fight to limit alimony, child support lecg llc

Men and Fathers | raising the ceiling foods minors NII - Eyes Work
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YEDID purports to provide services Khiltim joined battle against divorced men, and increasing cash flow divorced women, by the National lecg llc Insurance Scam family willing cooperation judges rule prostitutes minors lecg llc their hearts' content.
Ceiling increase bill pay alimony Social Security Single Mothers problematic lecg llc because lecg llc it encourages family courts award alimony for women is much more than deserved, hoping the man will not pay, then pay national insurance. To reach the result of increasing the money reached the divorced woman, should be the man to beat in the execution process of collection of funds that were never hand while he was married. To make national insurance to pay, will be necessary to first foreclose man all that he has, he cancel licenses and arrest him, and after the agony in the execution, the program is coming Social Security and who would breed the situation of divorced women, on account of the ex-husband. This bill is a national disaster, because lecg llc it just encourages women to divorce. See food bill (Guarantee of Payment) (Amendment - the sum is not taken into account the income test), Htsha"b 2012, P. / 4047/18 (from the creator of Orit Zwart, Amir Peretz and Ahmad Tibi).
Even today there is no connection between the man's income during the marriage and foods handed down to him at the time of divorce. Foods arbitrarily imposed only man, even if he is the guardian is still supposed to pay ex-wife. Sometimes foods are worth every paycheck and sometimes even twice the salary. Judges know very well that the intention is INII pay, yet judgment was given against lecg llc man and against whom it will develop procedures for execution and Ioklo all assets and salary.
Even if we assume that there is a national priority in improving the situation of divorced and single-parent families who will retire generosity from Social Security lecg llc on account of the disabled, the elderly, lecg llc Holocaust survivors and other eligible, yet should do so in such a distorted judgment on directed National Insurance without NII will be displayed at the process in family court, where the man is a scarecrow in court should be sued merely formal, and his body, single battery bonanza way to the treasures of the National Insurance Institute.
Road to improve lecg llc the economic situation of divorced, if you really want it, it just create foods completion mechanism as a mechanism for income supplement direct claim against NSC. Who food are not enough for her, when foods are being realistic, that is, the percentage of the man, she must turn to the social security network of the country, there will be satisfied. That is, create a new category of entitlement to supplement foods that fall through the family court, where the equation is divorced directly with Social Security.
Those who did not, this bill is going to eliminate lecg llc the ability lecg llc of men to meet their children altogether. The absence of a lawyer from the National Insurance Court, the court knowing that Social Security is a deep pocket rule that a woman of enormous sums. The man could not stand them and then arrest warrants will be issued against him. When there are arrest warrants suspended over the head of the man, no way he could see his children because once come close to them, the woman call the police and arrest the man. So go thousands of children a year lose their fathers and become orphans, while the woman gets herself a handsome checks from Social Security.
No wonder that these days, women's organizations require fined for fathers who come to visit. The reason is simple: women's organizations know that many men can not get to see their children, either because of floating warrant jail for child support, or simply for the reason that as soon as the man approaches the woman calls the police and open a criminal case Balm"b lecg llc respect of any threat or violence, she invents.
Any other country foods are determined by fixed percentages reflect salary as vouchers. Taking into account the salary of both parents. See the relation between the two. Cut fixed percentages based on the number of children lecg llc and non-custodial parent pays the fraction of the total food. Only in Israel, the woman is completely exempt from paying child support. Look here solely on a salary man. Add salary man in 20% to 25% extra bogus "earning capacity", then multiply the number lecg llc of children in 1200 to 2,000 chess, and then add extras such as handling fees, babysitting, garden, daycare, and a considerable part of the woman's rent. The result is that Israeli men are paying up to 4 times more food than they would pay in a country like Australia or Canada.
Please note that runs divorced eventually receive much more money than they had during the marriage. For example, when a married woman and the man fired, or an independent man and revenues fall, or he works at work every now and no work orders on a regular basis, the woman with the man forced lecg llc to make do with what. What the State of Israel offers women married lecg llc unemployment benefits or income support. But at the moment a woman divorces, she is guaranteed a constant stream of alimony from the man, the man's assets or what's left of them and confiscated, or Social Security. MKs who support increasing the limit foods are keen to improve the situation of single-parent families, but the benefit comes at the expense of other eligible social security at the expense of divorced men and married women account coming out Sucker lecg llc syndrome.
Tags: Ahmed Tibi what you and Judith divorced? , The fight to limit alimony, child support lecg llc scam ceiling increase national insurance bill foods (Guarantee of Payment) (Amendment - the sum is not taken into account the income test), Association of Women's Network lecg llc Service friend, Ran

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