Given the current situation cronificada crisis that lasted almost five years and that the most optimistic analysts lengthened to five years, companies have been forced to reduce their human and material resources to a greater or lesser extent in proportion to their turnover &samhoud amsterdam and mechanisms more or less sanitized &samhoud amsterdam funding.
Adaptation is an essential factor &samhoud amsterdam in organizations as more and more companies have to be prepared to provide equal or better service with fewer resources. Profiles of multi-skilled workers are needed, trained &samhoud amsterdam and highly motivated. &samhoud amsterdam Continuing vocational training is an essential tool to facilitate this adaptation.
The training must always be linked to the organizational needs of the company, and this requires periodically conduct an analysis of certain factors &samhoud amsterdam to detect and identify these needs: market trends, new technologies and working methods, personnel qualifications, &samhoud amsterdam legal requirements general and specific, situation against the competition, etc ...
Then, once these factors analyzed, the company should answer other important questions: Who should be the level of training, in which area, the level of urgency for such training.
The role of management in an environment of change is essential: &samhoud amsterdam adopting new ideas that can add significant and taking risks. In the grounds of training, company management must be the first involved.
The relationship between motivation, training and satisfaction is evident, and various employee satisfaction &samhoud amsterdam surveys, found a strong association between satisfaction and stability in the organization. Workers who are not satisfied &samhoud amsterdam with your work, look for opportunities to avoid stays in places where it is not comfortable.
It is therefore important that the worker receives continuous training in the duties of his job. This will give satisfaction recognition of their superiors and colleagues, will open expectations of promotion, and confer &samhoud amsterdam a benefit objective of learning and implementing new skills. Training &samhoud amsterdam is not only an obligation for the employer but a right and a duty to the worker. Your unjustified refusal would violate.
The formation, although costly in economic &samhoud amsterdam terms, since the time spent learning is time not spent working, is extremely valuable: Improves performance and prevents errors, delays and missed opportunities for occurrence lack of knowledge or skills.
In the field of business, Training Occupational Risk Prevention plays an important role, both for the purpose of it (having an informed workforce, trained and aware of the risks involved in each of its activities in such so that they can thus avoid accidents and occupational diseases) and by direct consequences this means for the company: increased productivity and performance &samhoud amsterdam and better projection &samhoud amsterdam of the company in the current market.
The Occupational Risk Prevention has become a basic, in which the training work of prevention professionals (both internal and external to the company) tool can certainly &samhoud amsterdam improve the working environment and productivity companies.
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