Friday, February 27, 2015

When power is very heavy, greasy, sebaceous glands produces more sebum and the pores tend to be clo

One of the causes of pimples is stress, another is the power. Check out what are the most suitable food to reduce the pimples: fish rich in omega 3, such as sardines, for example; Fruits and yellowish or orange vegetables such as squash, papaya and nectarines, for example; Citrus fruit per day as orange, lemon, and pineapple, for example.
When power is very heavy, greasy, sebaceous glands produces more sebum and the pores tend to be clogged more easily. So for the treatment of acne, and the use of specific cosmetic products, drinking water and eating based on vegetables and fruits is important because they also help to eliminate toxins present in the body, fighting acne from the inside out .
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