Friday, May 1, 2015

Identity fruit presentation is generally understood as an awareness fruit presentation of personal

Social Identity Theory | Posts Idhamsyah
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"To know who you are is to be oriented in moral space, as pace in the which Arise question about what is good or bad, what is worth doing and what is not, what is the meaning and importance for you, and what is trivial and secondary . "(Taylor)
Man is a creature who would ask him. Beings who must find his identity. Beings fruit presentation with consciousness where he should be. That situation does not occur in other beings, animals, plants, and the surrounding environment.
Aristotle called the human being as an animal is thinking. When humans think, at that time aware of the existence of man. I think, there for I am, as Descartes called it. [1] Because man is an animal that thinks, then that realizes the existence of something else and that something else realize that there is not another fruit presentation human being is.
Thinking is the process of the birth of consciousness. fruit presentation Awareness means being conscious of something (Edmund Husserl). [2] Awareness of self point is, there is something other than ourselves who are out there or beyond the self, the subject and object. raises awareness also sorting, doubts, and the search for meaning.
In contrast to the other (the other), causing human consciousness always wanted fruit presentation to ask. He was always dissatisfied with her (Sartre), [3] is always looking for and change is never settled. Even he questioned all akuannya. fruit presentation I am? he is? berbedakah me with him? why do I have?
When a man asks himself, that is where the real man has sought to distinguish itself with others, or we with them. In these differences also arise identity I, they, and others. [4] Suppose if I ask who I am, I must also be positioned me where and in others it where. My name Idham for example, where people Idham? Idham the Padang, and she is? He Nelda, and Nelda the field. Nelda like this and I like it.
Identity fruit presentation is generally understood as an awareness fruit presentation of personal unity and continuity, a unique unity which maintains the continuity of its past own meaning for themselves fruit presentation and others; unity and continuity that integrates all self-image, whether received from others and who imagined themselves about what and who he is and what can be made in relation to oneself and others. fruit presentation
The identity fruit presentation of a person can also be understood as the overall physical characteristics, disposition embraced and believed and forces ability. All of the peculiarities fruit presentation that distinguish the person from others and it is also the integration of the stages of development that has been crossed before.
Create fruit presentation Fromm (1947), Identity can be distinguished but not be separated from one's social identity in the context of community. In addition to individual beings who build their identity based on a concept or an idea and ideals of the ideal of self consciously and freely chosen, human as well as social beings in establishing his identity can not break away from the norm that binds all citizens of the community where he lives and roles adopting social in the community.
Society fruit presentation is so close to us, so that we often forget that the society itself contains so many ways in the life mengadapi (Fromm). [5] We often think of the way we treat things is the only way available. We must learn

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