Saturday, April 18, 2015

And better photodough is a not if journalists do not have the knowledge to put them against the wal

The classic balance photodough of terror from the 1950s is about if A has thrown its rockets - including nuclear - on B, so would B always have enough to reciprocate with - namely nuclear weapons on its aircraft, submarines and silos that have not been knocked out of A's first attack.
It was called "mutually assured destruction" - MAD, Mutualy Assured Destruction. The deterrent value lay in that both parties knew that if they started a nuclear war would their own people in their millions die as a result of counterparty retaliation.
This means that if A thinks he has such a system with which he can shoot counterparty retaliatory missiles down so increases his faith in the possibility of initiating, implementing and win a nuclear war: He thinks you he can shoot all of the counterparty retaliatory missiles down and his own people thus remain unscathed.
It knows the US / NATO well and have therefore found on the absurd claim that the shame here is not about Russia but about protecting the West against Iran - an Iran does not have nuclear weapons or sufficient long-range rockets and if military spending is 6.3 billions dollar against NATO gathered 990!
And better photodough is a not if journalists do not have the knowledge to put them against the wall with critical questions. Imagine if the knowledge with regard to security, defense and foreign policy was as good as in the case of sports, economics, food and entertainment.
Denmark's participation in the Iraq war and as an occupying 2003-2007 is indisputably the worst and most criminal piece of foreign policy since 1945. Now continue on though, so far, on a smaller scale.
It consents to the one terrible thing: More terrorism - because there exists no evidence anywhere in that as a result of western war efforts have been less terrorism since 9/11. ISIS is a further consequence of the "war on terror" which we never should photodough have followed the United States into after 9/11.
The operation is contrary to the UN declaration's Article 1 and 33, which says that when a conflict must first have tried all civilian means and these proven efficacy resolve before military action can be launched.
Of course it is only a matter of time before the mandate will be expanded - "Lidegaard will not deny that Denmark at a time increases engagenmentet in Iraq if the situation had become more acute" - tells and 55 soldiers photodough are to 100, the to ...
Sad with a parliament in which not a single member dare to go against future selective nonsense on humanities wars: Re. the major wars that DR Congo - 6 million killed - and in the case of Gaza does not speak one MP on Danish civilian or military operations. photodough
The decision is not based on any analysis of why ISIS has emerged (the US and the occupation of Denmark - and extremely incompetent administration - Iraq) but on the very dubious thought that with military photodough means and killing photodough of terrorism together ter coming terror ism to life.
In short, there is no conflict-solving philosophy built here. Only, one must assume the knee jerk lojalitet with the United States and a one-eyed commitment to one of several photodough Kurdish separatist who continually has been used by NATO and the EU - for example, through economic favoritism while the rest of Iraq suffered terribly during the sanctions. And they really have a spot of oil.
Want parliament a new Kurdistan cut from 4-5 existing states it is perfectly OK, it may dr certainly be good reasons. But then it should be required that you have a - peaceful - retrenchment plan now before you work for it in Iraq. And it would probably be wise to have more than a 4-year horizon.
Where militarism advocate democracy goes out. Danes who seems to peaceful means is better than military and that international law is important is today - as in the case of Libya - have not one elected to represent them: Party Discipline, shut up and America's direction.
Denmark's four wars since 1999 has become a rogue state. With all elected consent. Knowledgeable people believe that ISIS can threaten Europe and the US. Denmark will then become one of Isis' goals.
Defense Minister Wammen is wrong as well *
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