Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hi Kalle and other DOGS! Beware salamatassuja! MNA lift up the dog

Moods - bored. Ransu, also known as Franz Sanchez, is expressive guy. Sometimes they are difficult to obtain expressions described. The easiest target is, where it is for a moment. So as of today: Bored. Even the pork chops will not drip.
Pleased with himself. This look is most difficult to describe: muikeus, when not scratching between mama's work-days. (Note: this is a rare situation still exists, but is repeated about 10 times a day.) Photo scratches in this one, and the image on the other hand, capture a moment. This is Ransu the dog puppet VERY typical expression and the situation. fashion consulting group I here bye. Franz Sanchez. You may not be interested in other than black! You can not. You can not. (Note paw on the machine.)
Ransuhan is very expressive and clever cat :) So wonderful that last sugary satisfied look I guess we might be the most typical expression eyes innocently round: no'm not done ... it was someone else ... these four! Reply Delete
Thanked empathy for the photo! Into the doctor again on Friday, a little jänskättää. The eye is Kipee, fashion consulting group but the mom is at home or'm happy. Namely, Eetu began to assault your attacking me now, but mutsipa was not working, but saved the mut !!!! Eetu fun it is time to drastic ... it's a tough guy and so Nopee! Nomoikka! PS. if my vision is maintained, mom Lupas arrange for us dog junket! Reply Delete
Hi Kalle and other DOGS! Beware salamatassuja! MNA lift up the dog's paws to see, and it is not one of the MOI, but WARNING - not closer or a MATS. I never oo yes huitassut fashion consulting group so that would osunu badly. Not Eetu Even tarkottanut so. Hello UNNA-NEITO! Dating nakkikiskalla! I'm not sure tykkäänkö herrings anymore (mut smacker I like it!), I do not eat herrings. fashion consulting group Mamma was shining on them when I do not touch the raw, and to me tasted. I keep it on their toes. Sit on it, we offered boiled pork chop, NAM !!! I eat them until it imagines my tykäävän them always, and then we'll stop. So that you go to a kiskalle Would to God not pork chop-burgers. Ransu Reply Delete
Saila, I wonder fashion consulting group if those pictures to reduce the arrears? Stupid question, fashion consulting group but when I do not even afraid to present them ....; =) *************** So where Mustin facial expressions fashion consulting group was that? He only they are veikeät..oikea Hani .... kind of wizard ... Is Eetu craftsman you temporarily ...? Otherwise, I think I'll end up buying the extra space and reduce the volume of those pictures, itsekkin watched, image characteristics, that part is pretty fashion consulting group big. On the other hand it would be nice to do a little different (visual) blogi..jahah, this one got difficult, I, and then after hesitating after I finish, so my husband says R, now, osasinpas päättää..heh, fashion consulting group when it is so hard. Reply Delete
Meow! I Am a lady-killer! Maybe soon I can get my mom to take care of me. Musti and Ransu, fashion consulting group do you ye cream to dry before licking your plate? Black it is just the best as the language of the traces left properly displayed .... al the relevant fashion consulting group ?! So'm the foster home, and here I jäänytkin, if I were to come to terms with Sulo and Kalle. Officially, I'm Saving cats ry-owned fashion consulting group and there website can be found in my data, as well as the adoption form. Mom sides can meilata data via the blog contact form, so can not tell ahead Association of Diana, fashion consulting group which is very busy. Reply Delete
Good Eetu letting yourself. So Eetu is temporary home but looking for a permanent home of their own without the cat or the dog will follow. I'm just trying fashion consulting group to help a friend's blog, or rather a friend of Sulo and Kalle mukaanlaskettuina! I do not know, Tuija, can reduce the pictures afterwards ... I do not think, as to what they accessing? I have not noticed any of that. When you are on the server once there gone as there are, it should be called. ftp address, which would, but that Blogger does not provide, probably just because of the use of a blog as easy as possible for us ordinary citizens. Ftp programs have their own niksinsä and are used for example. website administrators. Thank you for Musti greetings ... look on her face will then at some other time. Hard to describe, when most of the images do not show up as a nebulous black and a pair of green, more or less round the eye, that's it "look". Ransu continues: Moro friends! Thanked compliments, fashion consulting group kröhöm. None of the superlative is not too much to me. And I can tolerate a true man, even with that being said tyttöilmeiseksi. We Musti cream is terrible and not really allow it to dry in the rare cases when it is served. Speaking fashion consulting group of which, we have a really bad food service. Rarely can be what you ordered. The appeal of the kitchen! I do not usually care about the cream, milk, yogurt and I do not like the big brother brought. As its name suggests it eats preferably mustikkajugurttia, haha! I'm an ox carnivore, fashion consulting group I no maidonlatkija. Ransu Reply Delete

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