Saturday, February 1, 2014

DSB S.tog have not created the cold and the snow, they have it matteriel they have and have many po

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It is not enough when the Minister of Transport will have DSB to compete for the gold mine, the Copenhagen-Aalborg. This is the opinion ccm consulting group of Danish Industries, who believe in the efficiency of the order of 900 million dollars annually, the DSB must fight more for the right customers. By Stefan Petersen 28 , 2010 at. 12:02
More focus on the customers, the market and the economy. Danish Industrial think there will be many positive things out of exposing the DSB for even more competition than just on the Copenhagen-Aalborg, as Transport Minister Hans Christian Schmidt (V) suggested yesterday.
"Competitive ccm consulting group tendering is just what we think is needed. We will see lower prices and more innovation and, above all, customer oriented services offerings, "said Michael Svane, which is the trade director of the Confederation ccm consulting group of Transport.
He points out that tougher competition ccm consulting group will lead to a more efficient, providing savings in the region 900 million kroner. It concluded a report by the Boston Consulting Group to the Ministry of Transport ccm consulting group in 2009.
"It is obvious that allow other operators access when it comes to coverage of the main route between Copenhagen and Odense, Aarhus, Aalborg. We would also welcome a competitive exposure of S-trains, "said Michael Svane.
"We have no means to wait for the conversion ccm consulting group of the signaling system is over. We can easily alongside embark ccm consulting group on getting the long-awaited improvement of the public transport is a competitive tendering will lead to, "says Michael Swan and refers to the success Arriva to operate parts of train operations in Jutland.
Send See also Deutsche Bahn buys Arriva 22 April 2010 Editorial: The Ashes: European train must be prioritized up 23 April 2010 VK will privatize DSB and buy electric trains 24 September 2010 Swedes will run fast train to Odense 07 October 2010 Minister: DSB to compete for the Copenhagen-Aalborg in 2011 27 December 2010 Read also
"" We have no means to wait for the conversion ccm consulting group of the signaling system is over. We can easily alongside embark on getting the long-awaited improvement of the public transport is a competitive ccm consulting group tendering will lead to, "says Michael Swan and refers to the success Arriva to operate parts of train operations in Jutland ".
Why should it be only DSB is to be competitive, however, let everyone get flights on routes across the country. Then we can find out who's the best service and cheap tickets. One can claim that they should have the same clutch system so that they can run single by the same outlet. ccm consulting group
Now, the DSB competed for decades, for example. cars and themselves and lost big, so it's no use to be playing on a loser. ccm consulting group You have to have the will to make to win and DSB and lets the annual ccm consulting group summer, ccm consulting group fall and winter come completely by surprise, and in the spring, all the employees for sick or on strike. One even tried to spread the responsibility for a rail portion and a togdel, and the next attempt will be well looked to invent a signal division to dilute responsibility.
Take, for example. one day, with snow, where I will try again, though I know it fails. The train runs well at the moment ccm consulting group I set foot on the stairs up to it. Well, it was to expect, but there is a 5-10 min operation in the morning. The screen shows 9 min. Perron plate 3 min. Fine, I can handle, even if the machine did not take the old card, but would only cut it brand new. And the results are the customer's responsibility. After 9 min. no trains. ccm consulting group hmm, maybe there 20 min operation ccm consulting group in sneeen. After 19 min no train. And here we are talking station No. 2 after the last stop. Not much opportunity for unforeseen vinterfadæser. Hmm 29 min? Nah. nothing new about the s-train. and platform board shows ever the faithful 3 minutes for the next train. Steadfast DSB. Throughout the session with a ribbon bow run with a statement that only runs the A-train. It is so dedicated to what an a-train is in contrast ccm consulting group to the info on the two display systems. Nothing about how many minutes, one station is about to be completed. 5 km max without traffic jams. Only rails. Well, triumph! There comes a train, announces the employees as Mr. Bean. Through Running! It's been 29 min after one screen promised 3 min and the other 9, and then I go home and dig the car out and drive to work. And once again venturing employees to explain that it was an exception.
DSB S.tog have not created the cold and the snow, they have it matteriel they have and have many positive employees both in operations and in offices and workshops. With multiple providers on the same route, we will have even more trouble than it is today. The railway is faster and safer than cars, especially in snow and frost, but it requires leadership, a controller it will be impossible to practice if more companies should have to fung

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