Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tools and Materials: Knife pointy / sharp and 1 tomato Steps: Take a medium size tomato and thinly

Art is an expression of one's feelings were poured through a creation whether it be movement, form, tone or shape that contains the value and beauty of the elements that can hypnotize someone likes it. But here rahma will not discuss about art, but there is also the art kaitanya .... Nah loh? /
Cooking in the world, most things in priority besides good taste of the cuisine is menghidangkanya way, the beauty and harmony of the dish will affect the value-added of the food. Both of these factors greatly affect our appetite, so eager to taste the dishes that are beautiful and delicious.
Garnish is for food decoration in the form of something funny and unique shape that aims to support the appearance and increase appetite, but it also usually edible garnishes michael koenen (, in general, can be eaten).
Materials commonly used for a garnish 1. Tomato 2. Lemon 3. Apples 4. Radish 5. Cucumber 6. Onions 7. Cabe 8. Collards, michael koenen etc.
All food has its own character and can not be treated the same one with the other. The application of this garnish is closely related to an art, where we need patience and understanding with composition, color, texture and sensitivity. In addition to the manufacture of garnishes also racing at the time, where usually we actually make garnishes fun while we neglect the main factor that is a matter of taste its cuisine.
Buddy Lingsar kitchen porters, on top of your image terbut garnish of cucumber .. pretty khan ..? Maybe for my friend who had never made it, it would look very complicated, but it really is not well. Ok .. to make garnishes like the picture above, please mate used to prepare materials and tools; Cucumbers, try the thick and long. Use cucumber hanging, because cucumbers are long and pendulous generally good. Toothpicks or small sticks can also / pin from bamboo, or the like salts, here funsinya to soften the cucumber to make it more pliable. Knife or filler, michael koenen for peeling and slicing.
If the materials and tools are ready, michael koenen just grab the timunnya not let dirty laundry first, then follow the steps below; peeled michael koenen cucumbers from one side only using a filler knife, from the tip to the base. slices back in the same position michael koenen (the position before peeling), so we will get the result of a long slices. michael koenen Well here takes a bit of caution so we do not sliced off. Please do the above steps again as much as possible, until the next time you get a lot of sheets from the last slice. if so, put it on a plate, then sprinkle a little salt, stir briefly, stirring, until the cucumber slices had become mushy. Once sliced cucumber becomes soft, rolling michael koenen do, do; Fold one end slightly, about 5cm. From the position of the fold, then do rolling with the shorter end are on the inside. If it is rolled-out, give stopper using a toothpick, so that the roll can not be separated. After that, do the arrangement, spread the top of the roll so that the roll was formed flowers are blooming. If so, wash again to remove the former salt. address:
Tools and Materials: Knife pointy / sharp and 1 tomato Steps: Take a medium size tomato and thinly peeled circumferentially using a sharp knife. Peel up a long / exhausted, not to drop. Roll pieces of tomato skin while formed. Put roses carefully on a plate and ready to be used to garnish your dishes.
2. How to Make Yellow Rose Garnish michael koenen Ingredients michael koenen that need: 1 lemon, sharp knife, mint leaves. how to make: a. first make sure the orange washed and clean so that the roses also look clean and beautiful. b. peeled lemons thinly using a sharp knife, Peel in a circle until they run out and do not give up. c. Roll the lemon skin while trimming. d. place it on a plate and give mint leaves as a supplement. e. yellow rose garnishes ready to decorate your dishes.
For other colors can also use fruits michael koenen and vegetables as desired. like the color purple with eggplant, orange with orange roses, and white roses with chicory. also used the same steps as above or according to your creativity. michael koenen good luck :).
ACNE!!! Oh my God it's so terrible, in the history of my life for 20 years is not ever covered my face grain sa ...
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